this music is for your daydreams - what colour they ever may have. take care of them, for they are your refuge, your inmost light. they are the heart of your sun.
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keep shining!
01. ascension 02. enochian calling 03. angelic stations 04. finite bees 05. cave of roses 06. sun ascension 07. madriiax 08. escalation 09. never 10. enochian calling II 11. montecute
all music by coil: john balance, peter christopherson, steve thrower.
shakespeare's sonnetts read by: dame judy dench
music from the 1985 film by derek jarman
sweet love, renew thy force; be it not said thy edge should blunter be than appetite, which but to-day by feeding is allay'd, to-morrow sharpen'd in his former might: so, love, be thou; although to-day thou fill thy hungry eyes even till they wink with fullness, to-morrow see again, and do not kill the spirit of love with a perpetual dullness. let this sad interim like the ocean be which parts the shore, where two contracted new come daily to the banks, that, when they see return of love, more blest may be the view; else call it winter, which being full of care makes summer's welcome thrice more wish'd, more rare." sonnett 59, william shakespeare
01. the avatars 02. the mothership & the fatherland 03. 2nd. sun syndrome 04. the sea priestess 05. i don't want to be the one 06. mu-ur
john balance: lyrics, vocals, obsidian mirrors, scrim generators; peter christopherson: macintosh, finger symbols; drew mcdowall: moog & thoughtforms; thighpaulsandra: mellotron, hammond & synth; gary ramon: guitar on 5;
this album was recorded in two days at samhain 1998 under the level of the river thames in the ancient borough of southwark. this album is dedicated to steven stapleton & david michael tibet, with love.
01. intro / twilight twilight nihil nihil 02. calling for vanished faces I 03. the death of the corn 04. horsey 05. the descent of long satan and babylon 06. in the heart of the wood and what i found there 07. be 08. black flowers, please 09. mary waits in silence 10. calling for vanished faces II 11. since yesterday 12. the blue gates of death 13. the bloodbells chime 14. all the world makes great blood 15. the great, bloody and bruised veil of the world 16. dormition and dorminion / so: this empire is nothing / the shining shining world 17. a sadnass song 18. happy birthday
CD 1: 01. in the heart of the wood (and what i found there) 02. calling for vanished faces II 03. this carnival is dead and gone 04. the descent of long satan and babylon 05. black flowers, please 06. be 07. all the world makes great blood 08. the great, bloody and bruised veil of the world 09. a song for douglas after he's dead 10. horsey 11. happy birthday spooky moonbeam 12. oh coal black smith 13. dormition and dominion 14. so: this empire is nothing 15. this shining shining world 16. a sadness song 17. lucifer over london
CD 2: 01. the death of the corn 02. calling for vanished faces I 03. happy birthday peel-a-monbeam 04. horsey 05. all the world makes great blood 06. the great, bloody and bruised veil of the world 07. a song for douglas after he's dead 08. dormition and dominion 09. so: this empire is nothing 10. the shining shinng world 11. oh coal black smith 12. black flowers, please 13. when the may rain comes 14. the blue gates of death 15. in the heart of the wood (and what i found there) 16. a sadness song 17. christ and the pale queen's mighty in sorrow
live at the orensanz foundation new york october 31 and november 1 1996
current 93 all dolled up and broken: michael cashmore, rose mcdowall, joolie wood, karl blake, david tibet, aoife e.d. gibson, sam mannox-wood.
01. larkspur and lazarus 02. mockingbird 03. anti-christ and barcodes 04. the signs in the stars 05. whilst the night rejoices profound and still 06. a gothic lovesong 07. the signs in the stars
01. the dead side of the moon 02. bubblehead
steven stapleton: everything else; david tibet: hallucinatory patripassianist vocals, guitars, drones; nick saloman: bass and analogue synthesizer; david kenny: guitar; trevor reidy: drums nora duus: low and sexy vocals and breathing; cyke bancroft: alto saxophone on 1; david cohen: soprano saxophone on 2; adrian teasdale: bass;
01. rock'n roll station 02. the self sufficient sexual shoe 03. two golden microphones 04. a silhouette and a thumbtack (dance in hyperspace) 05. r+b through collis browne 06. finsbury park, may 8th, 1.35 pm (i'll see you in another world)
this album arrived somwhere after a dream meeting of several individuals, graham bond, joe meek, jacques berrocal and myself. after a few beers and a headed discussion on puncture repair we all lay down in a circle and point our penises at venus, telepathic messages are sent to colin saying he can use the two golden microphones. he did, ane here we are. steven stapleton, 17.1.94. what a strange story.
steven stapleton: things that make noise colin potter: things that change noise
01. pleasant banjo intro with irritating squeak 02. it's all gone weird 03. spiral theme 04. man is the animal 05. a precise history of industrial music 06. raymonde fluffs it 07. musical bovine spongiform 08. i'm a frayed knot 09. sinan sings for her chums 10. it ain't so 11. nasal hair 12. rockette morton part one 13. rockette morton part two 14. dogs breath rising 15. this piano can't drink 16. crack up 17. scissor rock bycicle revelation 18. dream of a butterfly inside the skull of a horse 19. raymonde cries a river 20. fade / crack down 21. ritva sings for the world 22. peccadillo 23. great-god-father-nieces 24. it just ain't so (slight return) 25. a little missing piece of 'homotopy to marie' 26. s.b.b. dragged through a hedge backwards 27. scrapie 28. flea bite 29. scrambled egg rebellion in the smegma department
"never knowingly undersell the exitement of mental stimulation man"