this music is for your daydreams - what colour they ever may have. take care of them, for they are your refuge, your inmost light. they are the heart of your sun.
PLEASE NOTICE: if you like what you hear, contact your local dealer or browse the web to buy some more. if you have a problem with one of these albums being online, let me know and it will be removed.
keep shining!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
01. mezame (morning, part 1) 02. toki wa sugi 03. wakare 04. busy rabbit 05. hikari (morning, part 2) 06. blue marble 07. silent 08. song for mark 09. asa (morning, part 3)
aiko shimada with eyvind kang brent arnold mark collins evan schiller paul moore tucker martine jason webley mark france bill frisell guy davis dj olive troy swanson
01. sama'i 02. aksak 03. masmoudi 04. dore hindi 05. shish 06. panj 07. wahda sagra 08. se 09. do 10. wahed
saam schlamminger: zarb, canjira, daf, gambe, dohol, guitar, bass, electronics; with markus and micha acher: sampler, drums, keyboards, programming; guido hieronymus: programming johannes enders: sax mario wagner: artwork ALIEN TRANSISTOR N07 CHRONOMAD
01. a silver thread 02. artificial homeland 03. beyond that star 04. wood and glass 05. fortuna 06. turning left 07. made of sand 08. unlock the hills 09. only for you 10. blue gold seven 11. forsythia 12. the hot day 13. time can make a difference 14. radioloop 15. river west
angela jaeger: voices david cunningham: instruments with charles hayward
01. (music won't save you from anything but) silence 02. postal 03. modern jupiter 04. 1.30 05. the season is long 06. certainty 07. crown of the lost 08. it's the same dream that lasts all night 09. dutch housing 10. already ghosts 11. shot through the fog
jerome tcherneyan: programming, percussion, electronics; glen johnson: guitars, programming, electronics, voice; miguel marin: drums, percussion, programming, electronics; paul anderson: voice; alasdair steer: bass; with peter beresford john grant simon raymonde james topham suzy mangion ronald lippok (tarwater) bernd jestram (tarwater) james topham vashti bunyan caroline potter robert johnstone charlotte marionneau (le volume courbe) david gouillou bigas luna
01. la croix 02. the fool 03. double cross 04. come the horsemen 05. the wheel of the sun 06. the yew 07. la croix
tony wakeford with david mellor: piano frédérique richard: first violin nathalie lessault: second violin olivier dams: viola sarah bradshaw: cello michel picaut: double bass christophe charluet: cornet stephane ruiz: flute nathalie mathoulin: vocals
veteris discessum canite novi adventum canite falsi decessum canite veri ortum canite
ring out the old ring in the new ring out the false ring in the true
01. overture to the shadows 02. ruins and terror 03. o revolteio entrelagado de penumbra 04. a shrine of forged cruelty 05. as the firmament reflects 06. frascreeuder ofrail sgeo 07. the restless coiled maze 08. the horngates are open 09. imbas forosna 10. dun scaith 11. beneath the hilltops of ancient devotion 12. the long descent into the river of oblivion
j. aernus: voice, loops, sounds, accordion, carillion, tin whistle, bells, bass, violin; a. guerra: guitars, voice, percussion; belmil: flutes, percussion, bagpipe, voice;
beneath the wind that blows in silent woods, on nights without moon, there's a fortress of shadows, a way through the worlds...
01. the awaken stones of smoke 02. as life is carved on wood and blood... 03. the streams of longing, solitude and the one-eyed death 04. branches of witchered flowers 05. a tree of union under the divided, lost spirits 06. away, on a wind like running horses 07. deatharch crann 08. loki, wizard of lies 09. land of stags 10. in the pale, pale night
j. aernus: voice, sounds, inverted guitar, synth loop, percussion, mandolin; a. guerra: acoustic and electric guitars, flute, percussion, mandolin, carilion, voice; belmil: flutes, bagpipe; n. cruz: synthesizer, viola, voice;
01. lord of the flies 02. two across the mouth 03. that angel was pretty lame 04. great wolf of no tracks 05. green lion devours the sun, blood descends to earth 06. 27th raven's head (darkness showing through the head of the raven) 07. please ache for redemptive 08. fall of cherry blossom in long shadows of twilight 09. bell for harness
01. furbearer 02. goodnight, sweet rabbits 03. the crops that you tend 04. whichever 05. we are all hopeful farmers 06. mountain wine 07. snowballs for reuven 08. grow your hair 09. duet 10. when i look at your face, i see timothy
rob fisk ben chasny tom carter pete swanson glen donaldson liz harris
forget new weird america; forget old weird america. in devotional murmurs and arboreal whispers, the denizens of the badgerlore lodge summon the dreadful, breathing shadow of the old weird universe.
01. they were wrong 02. ride that cyclone 03. blond and golden johns 04. dominican rum 05. parplar 06. durge 07. be my host 08. mina minou 09. my justine 10. anger in your liver 11. all the pleasure in the world 12. fall on your knees 13. how to catch a lizard 14. the dip 15. hope for the hopeless
01. main title - infinite space 02. the cell 03. cellular blur 04. descent 05. transitional pathway 06. amalgamated man 07. the harrow 08. disintegration 09. end titles 10. zoetrope trailer
soundtrack to the film, written and directed by charlie deaux
inspired by the franz kafka short story 'in the penal colony', zoetrope presents the hunting visions of a man imprisoned in the inner depths of his own mind, as he tries to escape his torturer's talon grips, only to discover the truth about himself and the world of oppression which has driven him to this inescapable fate.