this music is for your daydreams - what colour they ever may have. take care of them, for they are your refuge, your inmost light. they are the heart of your sun.
PLEASE NOTICE: if you like what you hear, contact your local dealer or browse the web to buy some more. if you have a problem with one of these albums being online, let me know and it will be removed.
keep shining!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
01. an area's era aria - 1 02. an area's era aria - 2
recordings made between winter 1987 and summer 1989 at the klöckner hütte werk haspe. contributors: sankt klario, pia pankok, chi moja audacis coitras clan;
ein teppich aus öl und staub überzieht die hallenböden und bauten mit einer dumpfen, braun-grauen färbung und das matte licht, das durch die blinden dachfenster fällt, wird von der undefinierbaren oberfläche aufgesaugt. nur dort, wo lichtstrahlen durch zerbrochene fenster oder durchbrüche in den wänden dringen, schimmern die staubflocken wie schimmelblüten auf einer unbekannten substanz. die ära des staubes - fußspuren hinterlassen silberne, scharf konturierte reliefs, wie die fußabdrücke auf dem mond. die geräusche der schritte werden gedämpft, schall und licht absorbiert in den ablagerungen der zeit. das gelände scheint nicht zu reagieren auf eindringlinge; gleichgültig gegen ereignisse, seit es verlassen wurde, reflektiert es nicht einmal das licht oder den schall.
01. invocation (to secular heresies) 02. palms crossed in sorrow 03. romanz in moll (romance in minor key) 04. in the dying moments 05. in flagrante delicto 06. alocasia metallica 07. necropolis 08. the garden of earthly delights 09. the doctrine of eternal ice
graeme revell: all instruments sinan: voices on 4, 6 & 8 jan thornton: voice on 5 choir of the russian old orthodox church of sydney: voices on 1 & 4
the flower of byzantine culture was a hybrid, enriched with leaves of gold. the 5th century invasion of the western roman empire by the goths had plunged western europe into the dark ages. byzantium became the centre of civilisation and it now laid the foundation for the music of christendom through a fusion of elements, religious and secular, eastern and western. the blend off hellenistic (greek) with semitic (jewish) and arabic (persian) conceptions transmitted its influence into russia via bulgaria and later into western europe. it can be said that not a single musical instrument of mediaeval europe was native but that they were all imported from asia. the migration took place over several centuries and by various routes, of which the most important passed through byzantium and north africa. the much vaunted renaissance in italy was less a re-discovery of classical greek and roman concepts than an embracing of the enduring cultural legacy of the byzantine christian sects. the music and art of western europe blossomed once more upon the opening of the gates to the orient. wellesz, byzantine music and hymnography
the insect musicians 01. nocturne (on an oriental theme) 02. the sleeping sickness 03. melancholia 04. la danse des ténèbres (dance of shadows) 05. veriation on the 'sakura' (japanese traditional) 06. nature morte (still life) 07. balinese twilights 08. phobia (an australian theme) 09. invaders of the heart 10. et spiritus sanctus
necropolis, amphibians & reptlies 01. necropolis, amphibians & reptiles 02. countess saladine 03. chimpnags-apes of the union canada: america 04. allgebrah 05. ebony tower in the orient: water fanfare no. 1 06. the bälli
01. black widow's kiss 02. mechanical sam 03. flipside 04. hey rainman 05. gone subterranean (parts 1 and 2) 06. it'a just a job 07. never say never 08. treehugger (parts 1 and 2)
edward ka spel: voice / instruments raymond steeg: mastering / sound wizardry
01. aaΔzhyd china doll 02. flesh parade 03. the qa'spell 04. the unfortunate demise of the fabulous puccino brothers 05. nuts in may 06. traitor's gate 07. blowing bubbles (part III) 08. the fool 09. the witchfinder suite (parts I-VI)
01. burning rainbows 02. the telling 03. eye under ice 04. hear not here 05. descent
...time's landscape. the gradual unfolding of terrain. the sound of rainbows burning. wisps like little kayaks, trailing origins in their wake. the innert flowing. fluid arcs over frozen water. patterns etched into distance. thought's light traces. have our lives lost the component that compelled our ancestors to travel?
01. hollow flight 02. groundswell 03. cires divam 04. snake of earth 05. omaneska 06. deserted shadows 07. looking... not finding 08. circling globes 09. talking to a stick 10. still, so still 11. a softer light
time had no meaning. it was gone. the dust of it lay at my feet, disturbed now and again by strange winds that eddied around the ancient rocks i stood upon. the sky, if one could call it that, threw fitful spasms of light and dark. the fires of the borderlands. RELEASE ENTERTAINMENT RE6978-2 RAPOON
Thursday, October 21, 2010
01. - 34. untitled
music by marc spybey mixed and mastered by jean-yves thériault
set machine for random play, send suggested play list: scratch records
01. yan. the silver gate 02. tan. in my secrecy i was real 03. tithera. feel the warmth 04. mithera. this moment obscure 05. pim. a democratic smirk 06. lethera. come infinite 07. methera. thin air 08. yethera. cahl-yn-yan 09. tethera. static fields 10. teck. ciels ténébreuse
01. mit zebras rennen 02. in die nacht 03. höhepunkt kleiner mann 04. kopfüber in den gulli 05. spanische fliege 06. unter fliegenden tassen 07. regenwald 08. park und guter morgen
asmus tietchens: synthetics, komposition
das zeitzeichenorchester hans tim cessteu: synthetics mischa suttense: rhythmbox tussischemante: effekte, chor auf 2/3 stu 'snatch' seemi: digitale synthetics
tina tuschemess: cover rokko ekbek: produktion tücke dynger: logistik
'sbas yul' (or be yul) are the 'secret lands', the 'hidden', the 'promised lands' in the tradition of the countries of tibetan (böd) civilization and the ancient cultures of the ri gyal, literally the 'victorious mountains' - skt. himalaya. 'sbas yul' is an invitation to travel in these lands with their pagan rituals, dionysiac dances and seasonal orgies. the name sbas yul conjures up the fascinating nature of these hidden lands where one would like to take refuge from the madness ravaging the world.
the title 'ghazels' (also 'ghazal' or 'ghzali') refers to 'beautiful girls' ('Beauties') as well as lyrical poems, love poems or love chants and comes from the great persian lyrical poet shemseddin hafiz who described his 'ghazels' in such way: 'at the hour of parting, by going away far from you, my eyes came empty of light by dint of weeping.'
01. beckoning 02. uterance 03. dreams of dead names 04. pyre (necro christi) 05. purge (banashing) 06. terror against terror 07. comahon q.q. comahon 08. 735 09. pure
for us, nothing is sacred anymore a law by which we live the only sound a broken bell entering your shrines eating your gods burning your cathedrals bearing our own scars i will not ride the fallen winds again a crystall shattered i will not rest amongst the bones of men
b. lustmord: noise generator, acoustic treatments, pipes, machinery, voice, gongs; john murphy: noise generator, acoustic treatments, digital loops, voice, gongs, shawn, bows; roy batty: rhythm generators, masonry, hammers, chainsaw; isolrubin bk: construction, demolition, combustion;
01. image one: as it is... 02. image two: exit 03. image three: lucifer 04. image four: jehovah 05. image five: satan 06. image six: christ 07. image seven: so be it...
every one of us has within us a dark shadow child. the child who was sure that these were not their parents. the child who fired wasps out of guns at photographs of naked bodies. the child who was rejected by their mother, their father, the angry shadow, the web of the black widow. from this place of rage we try to murder all parents, all family, to purge the betrayal. this story is for these children, the abandoned, the hurt, the abused, the raped, the scared, the ecstatic...
all tracks written by cosey fanni tuttu / christopher carter / genesis p-orridge in 1975.
dedicated to the memory of bryn jones (muslimgauze) who died january 1999, he will be sadly missed, and martin 'jinx' drysdale, whose spirit inspired this project.